
When we hear that a book we loved when we were children is set to be transformed to a movie that we're overwhelmed with the most uncontrollable excitement. Now imagine being cast as one of the characters in the book you were raised reading and adored. Feels surreal? That's exactly what actress Olivia Rodrigo experienced. Olivia Rodrigo had the opportunity to start her career in the world of acting after taking part as the star of American Girl. Rodrigo, who has been watching the show when she was 7 years old, began working for the organization at first. It was an honor for the teen to play the character she loved in her early years. It wasn't long before her talents to become known and now she's an established face on Disney TV. While this was a wonderful achievement, but it comes with a cost. Olivia moved from city-to-city constantly, giving up regular schooling and hanging out with her buddies. Olivia has more than 39,000 followers on Instagram and also on Twitter.

Olivia Olivia Olivia Olivia Olivia


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